Business Mediumship Membership
Earning Money as a Medium
$125 per month ongoing.

Business Circle Level
When, and only when, your training is completed and we are happy with your level of skill ,you will get access to the Business Level Mediumship Circle. This means completion of one of the year or less of the Training Programs, or at least two years in the Circles Membership options.
You will then get the following:
A page on onlinemediumreadings.com , the site restricted for people trained and approved by Marc Stuart for readings. There will also be an app provided for people using the site and you get onto this for bookings as well.
Fully integrated with Zoom and an online booking system.
Full marketing suport for yourself,
Opportunities to work with Marc in providing Circle Training in Marc's groups and being paid for it. Could you run a circle yourself? Yes, we would pay you to run one if we think you could do so!
Teaching others what you have been taught and learning how to run such training. This means unlimited access to all circles and all training material produced by Marc.
Potentially working with Marc Stuart Medium both online and in person. Marc works internationally and often in the USA. He has a formula for people to promote and work with him in an area, and between yourself and Marc, he is happy to come to your area and work with you and as such raise your credibility as a working Medium considerably. This means income earning oportunities. Further if you ever decide to come to Scotland, Marc can arange bookngs and will work with you.
Work across the USA in large city fairs. Marc works with a USA based Medium who goes to approximately two of these a month and would be happy to share the cost of her table with a trained Medium.
Unlimited Circles. Question: does an Olympic athlete stop the training and the exercising? Of course not! In fact, they intensify the preparation for the race. Well, likewise with Mediumship; the more you do, the more preparation you need. On the Business Circle level you get unlimited access to all circles.
We will help you to earn by training you to run circles and then provide candidates for you to train in circles and pay you to do so. This is not guaranteed as it depends on demand and the number of people looking to work this way with us.
This service description is provided or information only you can not order membership from the Website only from within the circles.