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Who is Marc Stuart Medium?

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Marc can be described in many ways, but here are some essential points:


  • He has over a decade of experience as a Medium.

  • He has worked internationally, including in China and the USA in 2019, and since the pandemic, he has worked with people online in various countries, such as India, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, England, and of course Scotland.

Marc Stuart Medium

  • Marc is an experienced Medium with over a decade's experience.

  • He has worked internationally in countries such as China, USA, India, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, England, and Scotland.

  • He is a Church Medium for the Dunfermline Spiritualist Church, which has been around for over a century.

  • Marc teaches the methods he learned in Scotland, which he has adapted for three areas where he has developed unique methodologies.

  • He is capable of accurately interpreting spiritual messages for clients.

  • Marc can give between 60 to 80 direct messages to an audience in the span of a couple of hours on stage, and he teaches others how to do the same.

  • Unlike many other Mediums, Marc is open to having readings recorded and often records himself working on stage. Many of these recordings are available online for review.

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At The Scottish Medium; we offer training to start a successful career as a highly-skilled spiritual medium.

We use a large number of trading names for the company Niagara Falls (residential) Limited.

Copyright Marc Stuart 2024

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